Medigo: Healthcare made Easier during the pandemic

thingQbator INSIDER
5 min readJun 23, 2021

What is the story behind this startup? What gave way to the idea of Medigo?

In the midst of the COVID19 pandemic, the healthcare industry has undergone a revolutionary change.In a society where people are now hesitant to step out of their homes in fear of getting infected, Telemedicine has opened up a new avenue of affordable healthcare which can be accessed from the comfort of one’s home.

Hospitals and Clinics in Tier 1 cities managed to adapt to this system very well. But the same can’t be said about Tier 2 and 3 cities. Doctors and small clinics struggled to hold virtual checkups, owing to a lack of technical expertise and infrastructure. Here at Bhubaneshwar, we faced the same problems. Uncomfortable and choppy sessions over Zoom and Skype were a norm.

We sensed an opportunity here, an untapped user base we could tap into. And that gave birth to our idea, something that we’d use to develop something incredible.

What is medigo ? Give us a brief info about Medigo ?

MediGo is an app-based teleconsultation service where one can connect with experienced doctors with one click, from the comfort of their homes. We provide an AI-powered chatbot which converses with the patient, collects all necessary details to create a digital medical report and connect the patient with a suitable doctor. All the medical reports and prescriptions help in creating an extensive medical history of the patient, which can be exported to be used at other hospitals and clinics.

But the defining feature of our product is our Doctor Web Application. It acts as a data management tool which helps doctors and small clinics manage their patient records, appointments, providing a complete package to handle their practice. Our main purpose all along has always been to serve the Doctors, and we aim to achieve the same with our Web Application through a subscription based model for using our services

Tell us about your team,team skills and roles and responsibilities of teammates?

Medigo is still at an early stage of development, built by a team of 6 extremely talented and passionate individuals. There’s myself, Amlan Kumar Nandy. I’m responsible for building the core client application and I also oversee everything that happens with the project on a higher level. And then there’s Swetapadma Das and Akshita who are responsible for building and maintaining the Chatbot which is the main building bridge of our consultations. Then we have Akash who specializes in Web Development and Ashish who handles our Operations and Social Media. And last but not the least, we have Pratyush as an UI/UX Designer who built these amazing designs our developers could implement.

When we started, we were just a bunch of sophomores with no skills. By the end, each of us had managed to find a specialization, creating a well balanced team, which I believe is the main reason behind our success.

How did TQB support you in shaping your idea?

We found out about the Cohort Program from our seniors who were a part of last year’s Cohort 1 program. The concept of receiving mentorship from industry experts and competing against students from all over India, all while developing our MVP, excited us a lot! Thankfully, we got inducted into the program, and our 9 month journey began.

The first couples of months was the ideation and user validation stage. We spent most of the time meeting various people, including doctors, chemists and other veterans of the Healthcare industry, discussing our idea and its viability, and how we can further improve it.

After taking all the feedback into consideration, we started work on our prototype, and it was such an amazing learning experience. We showcased our prototype at the Mid-Cohort Hackathon. Unfortunately we didn’t win anything, but we gained tremendous insight on what’s lacking in our prototype and how to fix it, all of which went into building our MVP.

Upon completion of our MVP, we participated in the ThingQbator Internship Program, where we were a part of the Startup Track. While until now we were focussing on the technical side, here we learnt how to work out the business side, creating documentation, revenue model everything. We realized how much effort actually goes into creating an actual startup.

And by the time we managed to get a grasp of everything, it was already Demo Day, where we had to present our final pitch to the judges, covering everything from what we have implemented to what we will do in the future. And this is where all the work that we had done till now finally paid, we were one of the 12 teams to be selected for felicitation by Cisco. This was an amazing journey, with all new things we learnt and different people we got to interact with, being the ultimate reward.

What is your advice for next-gen student innovators?

Here’s a tip to my fellow tech innovators, don’t focus too much on the technology you’re using, focus on the product and the audience that will use it. Imagine the direction your product will take by putting yourself in the shoes of your audience. That will bring a whole new perspective to you. Good luck.

Thank you
TQB Insider



thingQbator INSIDER

A platform for young innovators to turn their ideas into prototypes and businesses.